Bernie Grundmann Mastering - Logo

100% of our gear is OUR DESIGN Or Modified

100% of our gear is OUR DESIGN Or Modified

We are a full service mastering studio in Los Angeles, filled with the best quality equipment!

Over the years we have been refining our studios to help our clients realize the maximum potential of their project. Today, we still believe in that pursuit. To give our clients the best in the music industry, we have incorporated our studio with a 1,200 square foot fully stocked shop. Within the studio there are six mastering suites, two production rooms, shop, library and various other support offices and areas. There is also subterranean parking for our client's convenience!

This not only provides ample facilities for R&D and maintenance of our systems, but also provides on-the-spot support for sessions in progress. Our disc mastering studio is a dedicated room, and is ready to go whenever the highest quality masters, reference discs, or copies for archiving are needed.  

We also offer clients a spacious lobby adjacent to the studio that has been converted to a performance space for direct-to-disc recording projects!

From aggressive high powered clubs, hip hop and pop releases, conservative high quality audiophile products, and anything in between, our state-of-the-art mastering room is fully equipped with a wide variety of high quality equipment that help meet our clients needs. Call us today to learn more about our competitive prices. Let us show you the BGM difference!